Vitiligo / Leucoderma - Homoeopathic Cure

What is Leucoderma or Vitiligo ?                                     
 Leucoderma means Leuco – White and Derma – Skin also known as Vitiligo in medical terminology.  It is a skin disorder where the skin loses its normal colour. Also known as Phulveri or Safed Daag  in laymen’s language. This  disease is more of a social stigma attached to it because of cosmetic reasons than of medical . As patient usually do not have any complaints like pain or itching etc. with the less of Melanin formation there is loss of  pigment on the skin .
What  are the Causes?
It is an Auto Immune Disease. Though the exact cause of Leucoderma is not known to the medical world still Stress, and General Low Immunity level and Hormonal connection are considered certain precipitating factors for this ailment. Other precipitating factors have been identified as due to pressure of tight clothes or certain occupational hazards such as wearing certain rubber hand gloves Use of  Bindi etc. The Occurance of leucoderma about 42 %, is  Stress related , 28% Heriditory  and 30%. Is Worms infested
  Though the aetilogy of vitiligo is obscure, various hypothesis are suggestive of its genesis .Among these the important ones are:-
1)      Immune Hypothesis – Melanocyte destruction and dysfunction or both may result into Hypopigmentation of vitiligo.
2)      Neural Hypothesis – Neurochemical inhibitors are released at nerve endings that destroy the melanocytes or inhibit their functioning.
3)      Melanocyte Self-Destruction Hypothesis – Proposes that an intermediate inmelanin synthesis causes melenocyte destruction.
4)      Dietary deficiency of Proeins and Cupro minerals is a major factorfor causing vitiligo. Serum skin and cerebro-spinal fluid copper levels are low in theses cases.
5)      A gastro-intestinal disorder like Chronic Amoeboisis, chronic Dyspepsia and Intestinal Worms may be additional factors.
6)      Use of  Broad spectrum Antibiotics , especially Chlormphenicol and Streptomycinleads to appearance of vitiligo.
7)      Trauma or Local irritation caused by wearing the sari or Trousers too tightly do produce vitiligo in individuals predisposed to it.
8)      Acute Stress may be followed by fast spreading type of vitiligo proving the theory of Troponeurosis. Emotional crisis may be an additional factor.
9)      An Endocrinal disorder may be operative,Diabetes, Pernicious anaemia, Thyrotoxicosis, Myxoedema, and Addison’sdisease may be associated with vitiligo.
10)  Composite Hypothesis – None of the theories alone is entirely satisfactory. Actual mechanism of inhibition or destruction of melancytes is much more complex than any of these mechanisms suggested.
How does it present clinically ?
Leucoderma patch may start as a small white colored almost milky patch which keeps on increasing in varying size and shapes. Patches are usually uniform in colour with well demarcated edges because of peripheral hyperchromia. It may occur anywhere on the body   or all over the body but still the commonest sites are around lips, on cheeks, bilaterally distributed on legs, hands, fingers, chest or back around the eyes and even on the head. A single white strand of hair could be the first sign of vitiligo on the scalp. Few patients have these patches around or over the joints like elbow, knee etc. Most of the times people get scared of any white patch on the body and fear it to be leucoderma, but any and every white patch is not of leucoderma  they can be because of Liver disorders, Worms ,Taenia infection, Calcium deficiency Injury or burns spots or even Leprosy. As such patient of leucoderma does not have any problem or symptoms like Itching, Pain, Discharge etc. whatsoever but  still the patient seek treatment for cosmetic reasons.
Though the aetilogy of vitiligo is obscure, various hypothesis are suggestive of its genesis .Among these the important ones are:-
Precipitating  Factors:-
a)      Emotional Crisis –  Death in family, Loss of job , Sudden shock etc.
b)      Gastro intestinal tract disorders like Worms, Jaundice, Amoeboisis etc.
c)      Prolonged use of Drugs ,antibiotics, Oral anovulating agents etc.
d)      Local causes like trauma, burns exposure to chemicals etc.
    Clinical Presentation of Vitiligo
Localised Type:-
a)      Focal – One or more macules in two single areas but not segmented.
b)      Segmental – One or more macules in a dermatomal pattern.
c)      Mucosal – Involvement of mucous membrane alone.
Generalised Type :-
d)      Acrofacial – Involvement of face and distal extremities.
e)      Vulgaris – Scattered macules in symmetrical or asymmetrical distribution.
Universalis- Total or nearly whole body involvement.
Is there any prevention for vitiligo ? 
There are certain precautions  which can delay or stop the onset of the disease.
Maintain good general health and immunity.
It is a non communicable disease.
Any patch should be thoroughly examined first.
Application of any unconfirmed tropical medication on skin should be avoided.
Use of synthetic clothes should be restricted.
Avoid excess intake of Sour things.
Avoid Steroids.
Does it occur by drinking milk after eating  Fish ?
 It is a myth that leucoderma occurs by drinking milk over the fish. There is no relevance in this statement. Simultaneously some people believe Avoiding anything to eat or drink which is white in colour is also a fluke and does not have any scientific background.
What is the  Treatment for Vitiligo ?
Though Vitiligo has always puzzled physicians of all systems of medicine. However, Homoeopathy system offers  reasonably maximum positive treatment . Since it offers a comprehensive treatment as it goes to the root of the problem by helping build up immunity and eventually restores the pigmented patches back to the normal skin colour. I have observed in my clinic that there are some definite connection in the patients who are being treated for Hypothyroidism then getting Hyperthyroidism show patches of leucoderma  as drugs induced leucoderma.
What is the Homoeopathic approach ?
As a rule, homoeopathy never looks at Vitiligo as a local disease. Vitiligo has been  considered as a local expression of a system disturbance hence a  constitutional remedy has to be evolved, which  calls for individual case study in every case of    vitiligo. That is why there is no single specific remedy for all the cases of vitiligo. The exact treatment is  determined only on in-depth evaluation of individual case.
Syphlytic.( destruction of melanocytes) predominance
Psoric - Though in Aphorism 195, Dr.Hahnemann states that “In chronic local maladies that are not obviously veneral, the internal antipsoric treatment alone requisite’  suggests that it is Psoric in nature.
Sycotic- As sycosis is the miasm which disturbs the pigment metabolism and produces hyperpigmentation and depigmentation in patches or diffuse in different parts.
Is Vitiligo curable with homoeopathy ?
The answers is Yes and  No both . As 100 % guarantee can not be assured but yes fairly good percentage of cases are cured and rest are helped considerably a very few don’t show any response. As the treatment is time consuming patents don’t follow the complete treatment and leave in between.. I have observed in my clinical study at our center that it depends on  the   following criteria :
    - Duration of vitiligo
    - Extent of spread
    Duration of vitiligo: Those cases of recent origin respond much better than ones which are more than 10 years old duration. Children and young people have shown better results.
    Extent of spread: Single or some spots ( 2 to 9) respond better than those which are very large ( more than 5 inches in size). Those individuals having a only a single spot have excellent cure rate. The cases with generalised spread and affection of  finger- tips, toes, corners of the mouth and eyes have shown partial results .
 What is the duration of treatment ?
 Vitiligo being a chronic and long-standing disorder, it takes time to show results. Larger and  older spots take longer time. Exact time can not be predicted. However, improvement begins  within  3 months in most cases. The cases which are to improve show the difference and the cases which do not show any response in this period seldom show improvement later on .
Can homoeopathy treatment be taken with other therapy ?
Yes , homoeopathic treatment can be taken simultaneously with other therapies e.g intake of Antioxidants  PUVA exposure or the application of Placentex etc. these can enhance the progress of treatment.
We have excellent  results 65 - 70%  curative rate in treating Leucoderma / Vitiligo/ White Patches etc at  A.K.Gs OVIHAMS Clinics.

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3 則留言:

  1. I used to have vitiligo all over my body and although I accept the reasons to not want to get rid of it but personally it was something I wanted to do. I tried a million creams & supplements but nothing ever really did anything for me but I was actually able to dramatically reduce my vitiligo after browsing online and trying different methods. The 3 things that worked for me (do them all):

    1. Mix Turmeric Powder And Mustard Oil. This stuff works amazing by just mixing the oil with the powder, applying to the affected skin and leaving it for about 15mins before drying it off. Repeat daily or more.

    2. Drink water stored in a copper utensil. This will help in increasing the production of melanin in your body and your skin will show reduced whiteness.

    3. Follow every single step in the free video & in the guide seen at to get to the root of the problem naturally!!

    Try my advice and hopefully you will get as much luck with getting rid of your vitiligo as i did :) xx

  2. 作者已經移除這則留言。

  3. I had vitiligo for 8 years, and I had tried all (PUVA, topical steroid, meladinine cream with exposure to sunlight/PUVA, oral meladinine, oil of bergamot). The vitiligo covered my neck, and one-fourth of my face. My dermatologists could not help me. A friend recommended me a natural treatment, and it worked for me very well. Now i'm 100 % cured. This helped me a lot:


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