Fresh Bee Pollen Benefits and How To Make Sure You Get Them

Author: Ric Hawkins 
If you want the fresh bee pollen benefits, then it is essential to know some simple tips on how it should be processed or you may end up with none at all! Discover the main benefits and the very best source.
Fresh bee pollen benefits
This natural superfood is packed with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, enzymes, antioxidants and much more. It has been shown that a human could survive on this and not become malnourished as it contains all the nutrients needed to sustain life. I wouldn't recommend you try it however!
The main benefits include significantly increased energy levels, increased endurance levels, weight loss, improved sexual health, a stronger immune system and improved cardiovascular health.
Recent studies are showing how it could help to increase your lifespan too by increasing your overall physical and mental health. One leading scientist has stated that, "taken regularly and in sufficient amounts, bee pollen will prolong the life span of a person for many years."
When it comes to sexual health, the fresh bee pollen benefits include more specifically: help with conceiving, keeping the reproductive system in women healthy and even increasing the male sperm count.
The weight loss benefits are the result of a higher metabolic rate and reduced food cravings. These two, combined with increased energy can really help you to shed the pounds as part of an overall diet plan.
To get the fresh bee pollen benefits, you need to select the most effective source, and this is not as easy as it sounds today, due to all the imported pollen from places like China.
These cheap imports contain many toxins from the pollution and farming like insecticides and pesticides, many of which are banned in the US and Europe. Traces are often found in the supplements and these should be avoided.
To retain the freshness, the bee pollen should be frozen at source. Many are heat-dried which is cheaper but kills off the goodness.
You should also look for added nutrients and enzymes to help your body absorb more of the goodness and get the maximum fresh bee pollen benefits.
As you can see, this natural superfood has much to offer, as long as you select the purest and most effective type.
If you would like to find out more about the pure natural bee pollen supplements I personally take, visit my website below.

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