A Common Skincare Mistake Most Crossdressers Make

Beautiful skin is one of a woman's greatest assets. Unfortunately, this is an area where crossdressers are at a disadvantage. For one thing, women naturally have softer, smoother skin than men due to a higher estrogen level.
Add to that the fact that most males were never taught to care for their skin, and it's likely that your face is in need of some serious TLC. Applying makeup over rough, weather-beaten skin is like painting over a train wreck: it's not pretty!
The single biggest skincare mistake most crossdressers make is washing their faces the wrong way. Harsh soaps, hot water, and frequent washings can dry and age the face. They also wreck havoc on your skin's ph level, leading to breakouts and a dull complexion.
So how do you get that girlish glow? Here are three essential crossdresser secrets for a radiant complexion:
1. Use a gentle cleanser. Body soaps should never touch your face! Instead, use a gentle, ph-balanced cleanser especially designed for the face. Cetaphil is my favorite.
2. Rinse with lukewarm water. Hot water is very drying, so you need to turn down the temperature. For the best results, finish with a splash of cold water to tighten pores and firm the skin.
3. Do not wash your face more than once per day. Washing your face too often strips the skin of its natural moisture. If you wash your face at night, all you need the next morning is a splash of cold water and a little toner.
If you're a crossdresser, you can't underestimate the importance of skincare. Beautiful skin improves the look of your makeup and enhances your passability.
It is truly the foundation for a more feminine you!

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