Learn More - Toning Exercises for Women

Author: Robert Fogarty 
If you've been looking for some easy toning exercises for women, you've come to the right place. If you aren't interested in putting tons of hours in at the gym, you aren't alone, and the good news is you don't have to. These three toning exercises for women will have you looking younger, more fit, and toned in just 10 minutes a day every day of the week.
Perform all of these three exercises continuously with only a 30-second break before moving onto the next exercise. Do 5 cycles of each, which should only take you about 15 minutes.
Body Weight Squats
Place your feet shoulder width apart and keep your torso vertical while you slightly arch your lower back. Begin by bending your knees, then lower yourself downwards like you were going to sit on a chair. Keep going down as long as you feel comfortable. Keep your movements slow and smooth. Pause for a brief moment at the bottom of the movement, then use your legs to push yourself back up to the start position. You can use a chair for balance. Repeat 12 reps then move onto the next toning exercises for women.
Bench Dips
Use the edge of a chair to do this exercise. Sit on the edge of the chair then place your hands beside your bottom and grip the edge. Place your feet flat on the floor about a foot in front of you. With your knees bent move yourself away from the chair while supporting your weight with your arms and hands. Now with a smooth slow motion bend your arms and lower yourself down. Then pause briefly when you have moved as far down as you can comfortably go. Now push yourself back up. Make sure you minimize shoulder stress. You can do this by keeping your back close to the chair. Repeat 12 reps then move onto the next toning exercises for women.
Wall Push-Ups
This is the final of the toning exercises for women. You need a wall. Stand facing your wall. Spread your feet just slightly away from it. Now place your hands on the wall at shoulder width. Bend your elbows then slowly lower yourself towards the wall. Be smooth and don't let your body get stiff. When your face is close to the wall pause briefly, then push yourself back to the start position. Repeat 12 reps then move onto the next toning exercises for women.
This is an excellent circuit of toning exercises for women. In no time, at all you'll be feeling and looking better. It requires no special equipment and it can all be done from the comfort of your home.
Always remember to combine good nutrition with any toning exercises for women. The food you eat nourishes your muscles and help to make your exercise program that much more effective. Healthy eating and regular exercise will not only have you looking great, you'll significantly reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes and that's worth mentioning. Are you ready to get toned and look great? Then these toning exercises for women are exactly what you need.

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