These are Some of the Symptoms of Eyelid Eczema

Eczema eyelid is a problem that generally arrives with scaling, erythema, and edema associated with burning and pruritus. The irritants and the allergens in the atmosphere are the main causes that account for the eczema eyelids. The skin near and around the eyes is very thin and sensitive and is easily vulnerable to irritants as well as allergens. Hypersensitivity to the environmental allergens like the dust, mold and pollen or seborrheic dermatitis may also cause the eczema eyelids.
Eczema is an underrated disorder that is frequently overlooked. It has devastating effects and the treatment of this condition is really hard. When the eczema begins to spread towards the eyelids, it is a condition that cannot be tolerated by many people. Eczema eyelid is associated with the itching and the pain.
Symptoms of eyelid eczema
* The common symptoms are itchy, inflamed and scaly skin
* In adults the skin may become too dry; whereas in children it becomes too weepy.
* Mild eczema is associated with a small irritation; whereas severe eczema becomes unbearable leading to disruption at work or at home, low self esteem, depression and disturbances in sleep.
Prevention of the eyelid eczema- the best way of preventing the eczema is to prevent it before it occurs. Some allergens are present in the air itself that are difficult to avoid. If you have allergens in and around your house, you can use air filters, allergen-tight bedding, or anti-allergen cleaning products for decreasing their presence.
Treatment of eczema eyelid:
The typical treatment for eczema eyelids comprised of a series of corticosteroids, but their use had some side effects causing the thinning of the skin or enlargement of the blood vessels. But, the new advanced treatments do not possess any such risks. This new treatment is called topical immunomodulators. They are very safe to treat the sensitive areas of the eyes.
The patient suffering from eczema eyelid should generally avoid all the possible irritants and the allergens. He should stop using the cosmetic sand the skin products that cause irritation to the eyes. He should avoid scratching and rubbing of the eyes. Sometimes the doctor for temporary relief may prefer a moisturizer.
One important thing to remember is that your eczema becomes worst with stress. So, give time for yourself and involve in those activities that you like and will promote relaxation. You can go for meditation, yoga, creative pastime or any other hobby to reduce your stress.

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