The Quickest Way To Lose Weight - Things to Know

Author: Robert Fogarty 
If you've arrived here, it's because you are looking for the quickest way to lose weight. Great news we can help. No one likes to waste any time when it comes to weight loss. We're all busy and when we decide it's time to shed those extra pounds we want to do it fast and we want to do it safely. We can help you do that with the quickest way to lose weight.
The quickest way to lose weight is to:
-    Eating healthy
-    Participating in strength training
-    Participating in interval training
Much as most of us would like to believe that there is some big secret to weight loss, there isn't. The bottom line is you must use more calories than you take in, which is why healthy nutrition and exercise are the solution to the quickest weight loss.
Contrary to what many think, you don't need 8 hours of slow boring cardio every week. In fact, that's not the quickest way to lose weight. Cardio provides a caloric deficit, which does help you lose weight, but there is a much more efficient way to get there faster. You burn fat and build muscle at the same time! That's the quickest way to lose weight
Too often people get all wrapped up in the number of calories they burned when at the gym. There busy doing math. "Let's see I was on the treadmill for 60 minutes so I burned x calories." The problem is there are 23 hours in the day that you are ignoring, and that's not the quickest way to lose weight
If you opt for interval training, it will boost your metabolism after your workout so you keep burning calories all day long. That means you can actually cut your workout time by 50%. So if you normally work out 60 minutes now you can workout 30 minutes.
It's really quite simple. Start by choosing a cardio activity that you like to do. Then create blocks of time when you work at a pace that's harder than normal. Here are just a few exercises that work great for intervals:
_    Swimming
_    Outdoor sprinting - take advantage of hills
_    Running on the treadmill
_    Stationary bike
_    Cross trainer
_    Elliptical
_    Jogging
_    Running
Do what you like to do. If you like, the stationary bike then do it. If you like to run then run. It doesn't matter just as long as you remember to change your routine every 3 to 4 weeks. That way you don't hit those plateaus as quickly.
Then all that's left to do is add your strength training. Use supersets, which are mini sets with two non-competing (don't interfere with each other) exercises. Each of your supersets acts like it is an interval - this is where the true benefit lies.
If you follow this plan, you are going to see excellent results. It really is the quickest way to lose weight. You need to train for only 45 minutes and only 3 times a week so it's easy and convenient. There's no need for expensive gym memberships and you can enjoy your new body. Now that you have the quickest way to lose weight, what are you waiting for?

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