Best Anti Wrinkle Diet - 4 Crucial Steps to True Longevity

Author: Rob Carmichael 
In short, this anti-wrinkle diet will explain what you need to eat more of and what you need to cut back on.
What Causes Wrinkles?
Genetics, aging, sun exposure, smoking, eating a diet high in saturated fats and processed carbohydrates, skimping on produce and "good" fats and other factors all conspire to erode collagen and elastin, the fibers that keep the skin smooth, flexible and firm.
When dermatologists checked the skin and diets of 450 people from Sweden, Australia and Greece, he found that while a healthy diet can't erase damage done by years of smoking, drinking and unprotected sunbathing, it can help to avoid aging faster, essentially by cutting back on:
Full-fat milk
Red meat
Cakes and pastries
Soft drinks
For your longevity anti-wrinkle diet you should include more of the following in your diet:
Olive oil
Low-fat milk
Fruit and vegetables
Nuts and nut butters
Water and tea
Step 1: Put more vegetables and fruits on your plate.
When UK researchers analyzed the diets and wrinkles of 4,000 women aged between 25 and 45, they found that vitamin C-rich foods significantly reduced the developement of wrinkles by 39 percent.
By helping to mop up free radicals, the unstable oxygen molecules that damage collagen, by increasing your daily vitamin C intake is almost as effective as consuming Resveratrol, the latest anti aging anti-oxidant.
Other British clinical trials concluded that the higher anti-oxidant produce you eat, the lower your odds of wrinkling.
Step 2: Cut back on sugar and white bread.
An interesting fact that most are unaware of is that each 50-gram increase in your daily carbohydrate consumption (approximately found in two eight-ounce soft drinks) increases your risk of developing wrinkles by 28 percent.
This is believed to be attributed to advanced glycation end product molecules made from saturated fats, sugars and proteins that attack healthy elastin as well as collagen, that stretchy protein that keeps your skin looking tight and firm.
Step 3: Order salmon, sardines or anchovies when you're dining out.
It's well known that omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of wrinkles by approximately 28% whilst being excellent artery scrubbers, thus lowering cholesterol levels.
Fish-oil capsules, canola oil, walnuts and flaxseed are also great anti wrinkle sources.
Step 4: Take a cup of sugar-free cocoa per day.
In additional medical studies, antioxidants called epicatechin and catechin in cocoa, boost the circulation to skin cells and protect the skin from sun damage.
In conclusion:
This anti wrinkle diet will not only have a profound effect on your skin, but if you are overweight, you will notice an almost immediate drop in weight due to the healthiness of such a diet plan.

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