Tighten Loose Skin With the Titan Laser

The Titan laser has made quite the splash over the past few months. It has received a great deal of attention from major media outlets like ABC's "The View", articles in "Harper's Bazaar", "Prevention", "New Beauty" , "Inside Hollywood Reporter" & "Allure". Many are intrigued by Titan’s promise to reverse the signs of aging and offer a solution to enhance your youthful and healthy appearance without surgery or downtime.
The primary purpose of the Titan Laser is to treat lax and sagging skin. Areas that have responded best to the Titan Laser are the stomach, the back of the upper arm, the jaw line and under the chin. Patients with “Laugh Lines” around the eyes have also responded well to the treatments. Of course there is a limit to how much the Titan will correct. Those with severely aged skin coupled with photodamage and extreme wrinkling, would not be considered good candidates for the Titan laser procedure.
The Titan utilizes an infrared optical light source to tighten skin and reverse the signs of aging. The infrared optical light heats up the dermis in order to cause collagen contraction. The thermal effect creates tissue tightening by the remodeling of collagen and elastin in the dermis resulting in a significant lift effect. The Titan can stimulate long-term collagen rebuilding after treatment that results in further tightening and the development of a more youthful complexion.
One of the greatest benefits of the Titan laser is that the procedure is non-invasive and has few, if any, side effects. There is no down time and no external injury to the skin. There are no external wounds to care for. A person can return to work right after the procedure. And very few treatments are needed to see results. The average patient will see improvements within 1-3 treatments. Patients with minimal degrees of laxity in the face and neck will see results almost immediately.
The cost of a typical Titan Laser treatment depends mainly on the area being treated. On average, most titan laser treatments range anywhere from $500 to $2500.
If you are interest in tightening loose or lax skin without surgery may want to consider the Titan Laser procedure . It is advised that you consult a doctor or cosmetic professional for more information on this or any other cosmetic procedure.

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