Stomach Exercises For Women - Learn More

Author: Robert Fogarty 
Women are far more self-conscious about their weight, their appearance, and belly fat affects many women's self-confidence. Thankfully, there are all kinds of excellent stomach exercises for women so you can watch that mid section begin to shrink away, and you can celebrate your new found waistline. You can have a slim, sexy midsection in no time. Here are some of the best stomach exercises for women.
1. Cardio workout - this does not need to be anything fancy. Cardio is often overlooked in stomach exercises for women. A 15 minute brisk walk everyday or a 30 minute brisk walk three times a week is all you need. It's an excellent way to burn belly fat. Jogging, swimming, biking, etc. are also good cardio exercises.
2. Basic Crunches - Most of us have heard about the crunch stomach exercise at some point, after all they are always listed as stomach exercises for women. It's really simple to do and it's quite effective for achieving a flat stomach. Lie down on the floor. Bend your knees to a 90-degree angle. Now lift your stomach while keeping your hands crossed. Do not touch your legs and/or the floor. Do 15 sets throughout the day seven days a week.
3. The Reverse Crunch - Is also listed often in stomach exercises for women. Start by lying down on the floor. Use your back so as not to hurt yourself when getting down there. You can put your hands above your head or you can place them beside the hips (straight). Bend your knees. Then lift your feet six inches off the floor. Do not move your hands or your body posture. Repeat this exercise for a 15 minute interval and watch your flat stomach blossom.
4. The Oblique Crunch - Who would have thought so many crunches could be so beneficial, but they are when it comes to stomach exercises for women. Lie down on the floor, with knees bent. Rest your left foot on the floor. Try lifting your right leg across your left leg. Place your left hand on your left side of your head. Then put your right hand on your right side of your head. Now try to twist your hand movement and touch your lifting leg knee. Do 4 to 5 sets a day and you will begin to lose abdominal fat.
5. Plank on Elbows & Toes - This is an excellent way to build endurance and it's an effective stomach exercises for women. Lie face down. Rest on your forearms with your palms flat to the surface. Raise up on your toes while resting on your elbows and push up off the floor. Make sure your back stays flat. Hold for 60 seconds and repeat 5 reps. Many aren't aware that when it comes to stomach exercises for women this is one of the best out there.
These five stomach exercises for women will have you losing belly fat in no time. So why not start today? You'll look fit and toned in no time at all, and you can either keep your stomach exercises for women secret or share when asked.

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