Anti-Aging Skin Care - A Beginners Guide To Finding The Best Anti-Aging Skin Cre

There must be some reasons why some people seem to age faster than others right? Some people seem to walk through life with a young and healthy appearance while others who even use the most advertised "best anti-aging skin creams" develop aging signs much faster.
Wrinkles, dark eye circles, sagging skin and crows feet are a few very annoying aging signs that you want to banish for good! But how can you accomplish this? And is there any good anti-aging skin cream that actually delivers on its promise?
Before we get into that we need to ask ourselves, why do those aging signs occur?
We constantly expose ourselves to many harmful factors. Excessive sun exposure, pollution, stress, bad food habits and also many chemical additives in anti-aging skin cream and other skin care products, laundry products and foods.
These factors have a very negative impact on our body, including our skin. They make our skin age much faster than it normally would if we weren't exposed to them at all.
These factors all contribute to a faster development of the three major causes of aging of our skin.
Loss of collagen and elastin
Collagen and elastin are the two most vital substances in our skin which promotes firmness and elasticity. These two substances sort of hold our skin together, making it look young and healthy. Our natural production and levels of these substances diminish as we age, resulting in a development of different aging signs.
Reduced levels of hyaluronic acid
Hyaluronic acid is a substance which occurs naturally in the deeper layers of our skin. The main function of this substance is to retain moisture and water. It can actually hold up to 1000 times its own weight in water. The amount of hyaluronic acid diminishes with age, which makes it harder for our skin to stay soft and moist. This leads to dry skin and also a faster development of aging signs
Oxidation due to free radicals
Free radicals are actually both friend and foe. They are needed for us to stay healthy, but an excessive amount of free radicals can have a devastating impact on our body and skin. These are usually neutralized by antioxidants like for example vitamin C and E.
But when we expose ourselves to the sun, pollution, stress and chemical additives our body creates an excessive amount of free radicals which overcomes the antioxidants available, which leads to damage to our skin. Free radical damage also stimulates a harmful enzyme in our body, which breaks down hyaluronic acid in our skin.
You need to deal with these factors immediately to stop your skin from developing premature aging signs, which makes your skin look old and worn.
And if your goal is to fight the aging process of your skin and find the best anti-aging skin creams to keep a young and healthy appearance, then in order to do that you must find some possible solution to the excessive amount of free radicals and the breakdown of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. Something that prevents free radicals from doing any damage to your skin, and also something that stimulates and increases your levels of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. This is where an effective anti-aging skin cream comes in.
To stay young and beautiful is no easy task but with the right knowledge you can, in a short period of time, literally make miracles to your skin's health and appearance.
How Can I Start My Journey To A Younger and Healthier Appearance?
First of all you need to use sunscreen whenever you expose yourself to the sun to prevent any sun damage to your skin. Keep in mind to moisturize your skin often to prevent your skin from getting dry.
You need to reduce your intake of foods that contain harmful additives and saturated fats, and drink plenty of water daily.
Stay away from any anti-aging skin cream and other skin care products that contain harmful chemical ingredients like alcohols, parabens, mineral oils and dioxane. Those chemicals are very drying and irritating for your skin in the long run. They promote allergic reactions and some also cause cancer.
Your final step is to find the best anti-aging skin creams available. They should only contain 100% natural ingredients that have been clinically proven to reduce and delay these causes of aging effectively. Some of these ingredients which have clinically proven effects to do so are phytessence wakame, Xtend-TK and Nano-Lipobelle H-EQ10.
Bonus Tip!
Jennifer S. Levin is the author of "A Beginners Guide To Finding The Best Anti-Aging Skin Creams ", a guide which has helped many people to attain and retain young and beautiful skin. For more information on how this guide can help your goal of retaining a young and beautiful appearance, visit

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