How to Cure Eczema - 8 Tips

Author: Charles Zoe 
Also known as Dermatitis, Eczema can come from an allergic reaction to something, from poor hydration, from conditions in the climate, from diet, or from hereditary factors.
1. Remove any foods that you may be allergic to. Some common allergic foods are eggs, milk, wheat, shell fish, nuts, chocolate and strawberries.
2. Skin that's dry is more susceptible to eczema, or even infection. So if you're living in a climate that has dry times of the year invest in a humidifier or two, depending on the size of your home. Try to get it into full operation before the peak of the dry season, and then make sure to use it whenever you are home. Have one in your bedroom as well, and run it while you sleep.
3. For an oatmeal bath, just dissolve a half cup of raw oatmeal flakes into a tub of warm water and let your infant soak in it for 15 minutes or so. For oatmeal paste, just take crushed raw oatmeal flakes mixed with a little water and apply to your infants skin. Let it sit on the skin for 15 minutes and rinse with cold water. Both treatment methods help relieve the intense itching caused by eczema and help moisturize the skin, which promotes healing.
4. Some types of material and clothing may irritate eczema in babies. In most cases, natural cotton clothing is less irritating than other synthetic materials. Replace some of their synthetic clothing with items made from natural cotton. This easy solution can offer significant improvement and make them feel a lot more comfortable.
5. Zinc / Copper - 30 mg of zinc and 2 mg of copper per day. Only add copper if you are going to take zinc for more than a month. You can usually buy a supplement with the both included.
6. Stick to soap that doesn't dry your skin. Look for one that is considering "moisturizing" and, again, free from perfumes and dyes. Dove is a good one, but there are plenty of others out there. Read the labels.
7. Cucumber juice mixed with ordinary milk and natural bee's honey is helpful for many. Aloe is also a good remedy. It's an awesome natural moisturizer and will help heal and relieve the itching sensation. Aloe Vera is most commonly used for burns, but it can also be used for eczema.
8. To prepare an eczema remedy at home you require 1 teaspoon of comfrey root, 1 teaspoon of white oak bark, 1 teaspoon of slippery elm bark, 2 cups of water and these are to be boiled for 35 minutes. Wash the affected area with this mixture two times a day for better results. Within a week you can notice considerable changes in your illness. People who are suffering from nutritional deficiency should take vitamin B complex daily as it is required for promoting healthy skin. Biotin pills can be taken as a preventive measure for eczema.

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