San Antonio Breast Lift vs. Breast Reduction

Cosmetic breast reduction and breast lift are two frequent procedures performed by plastic surgeons in the San Antonio area and abroad. These two breast augmentation techniques are actually quite related. Both procedures typically aim to raise the breast mound to a higher more cosmetically ideal position, along with the nipple and areolar tissue. The main variant between the two is that in a breast reduction procedure the plastic surgeon strives to reduce the overall volume of the breast tissue, while this isn't always the aim with a breast lift. In fact, a breast lift procedure doesn't necessarily mean that any breast tissue will be removed at all, and sometimes the plastic surgeon will actually insert breast implants to achieve the patient's desired look.
So while the goal of a breast lift is to raise the breast and nipple to an elevated position, this does not always imply a change in breast tissue volume. On the other hand, most breast reductions actually include a lift in the procedure but with the addition of tissue removal. A number of women will visit their San Antonio plastic surgeon requesting a breast lift procedure, however, for many, the correct procedure would be a breast reduction performed in conjunction with a breast lift.
Breast lift surgery is mainly a skin procedure where additional skin is removed to raise the breasts to a higher position. Women with excessive breast tissue are not the best candidates for this particular procedure alone. While the surgery can be performed on women with very large breasts, the results will be short lived as the large quantity of breast volume will inevitably stretch the skin out again and the patient's breasts will sag and return to the former position. Patients may look good at first, however, a few months later they will be disappointed with the time and money they spent.
A breast reduction on the other hand is really the most ideal surgery for patients facing these problems. It will give women the cosmetic lift they are looking for while relieving back, neck and shoulder pain. Oversized, pendulous breasts can actually cause a number of health issues, like pain, nerve issues, skin problems, impediment of exercising and even emotional issues. So to sum it up, women with a smaller or average size bust that want perkier breasts, a breast lift should do the trick, which women with large breasts that exceed a liter or so in breast tissue volume, a breast reduction procedure should give them the results they are looking for.

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1 則留言:

  1. Women who are in good health and looking to improve a loss of shape of the breast and nipple malposition may be good candidates for the Breast Lift. Patients seeking additional volume and upper pole fullness may be candidates for a combined breast lift and breast augmentation.


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