How to Remove Freckles – Know the Facts

Bleaching agents, the most conventional treatment for freckles, have limited success in masking the appearance of freckles. Bleaching agents attempt to fade the freckles to a color approximating that of the surrounding skin. However, they can sometimes lighten or darken the skin surrounding the freckles, calling even more attention to the spots. Occasionally, bleaching agents cause rashes or chemical burns. Some people have had success using alpha hydroxy acids on a regular basis, combined with sun avoidance and the use of sun block. Some dermatologists recommend prescription-strength retinoids for the treatment of freckles.
Lemon juice is a time proven freckle fighting remedy. It is not necessary to rub your skin with a piece of lemon. Applying the juice with your fingers will do the job. Fruit and vegetable masks (apricots, strawberries, cucumbers, red currant).
Before treatment, a cold gel is usually applied to the areas to be treated and patients wear protective eyewear. During treatment, a physician or trained staff member gently applies the smooth glass surface of the IPL handpiece to the skin. Light is delivered to the skin surface in precise pulses that are typically pain-free. Occasionally, some signs of treatment, such as redness, can last for one or two hours. In most cases, the entire face is treated, but the therapy can also work well on the neck, chest and hands. Results from a full series of treatments usually last for a year or more.
Intense Pulsed Light Therapy (IPL): IPL is one of the newer forms of facial rejuvenation. IPL delivers energy to both the superficial (epidermis) and deep (dermis) layers of the skin, the epidermis is spared from damage. Thus, there is virtually no recovery time.
Freckles can also be treated with proper Vitamin supplements. For Egr and individual suffering from freckles should increase the intake of Vitamin C. Due to Vitamin C present in adequate amount in the body, the skin becomes less sensitive to the sun and hence less melanin deposition occurs. The food rich in Vitamin C includes Oranges, grapes, apples, etc.
Intense Pulsed Light Therapy (IPL): IPL is one of the newer forms of facial rejuvenation. IPL delivers energy to both the superficial (epidermis) and deep (dermis) layers of the skin, the epidermis is spared from damage. Thus, there is virtually no recovery time.
Chemical peels are used to remove age spots, freckles, discoloration, wrinkles and fine lines. They generally help to make the skin smooth and firm and also help in curing freckles gradually.
Some people's freckles fade away almost completely in the winter and return in the summer. Freckles rarely develop into skin cancer. However, freckles are especially common in people with light skin, and having light skin that burns easily increases your risk of skin cancer. The best treatment for freckles is prevention. The key to preventing freckles is sun avoidance and daily sunscreen use. Cryosurgery -- A light freeze with liquid nitrogen can be used to treat freckles. Tretinoin Sometimes used in conjunction with other bleaching creams, tretinoin (vitamin A acid, Retin-A) also helps to make freckles lighter when applied over a period of time. Several lasers, especially ones that produce a green light, can lighten and eliminate freckles safely and effectively.

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