Toxic ingredients in cosmetics

Skin Care is an indispensable part of our lives. What they do not realize about our indulgence in these skin care products is that under his "larger than life," said lie harsh reality. Often, these skin care products and cosmetics that contain ingredients that are harmful to the skin. The next time you buy a product of skin care, make sure to read the label carefully.
Diethanolamine, triethanolamine and monoethanolamine. These hormones affect aggressive solvents and are found in cosmetics, face creams, body creams, shampoos, soaps and facial cleansers. That are easily absorbed through the skin and its long-term use has been associated with liver and kidney cancer. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate These chemicals are easily absorbed by the body and are known to cause severe skin irritation and health problems long term. Isopropyl alcohol derived from petroleum. This petroleum-based ingredient is often used as a solvent in various products skin care. This alcohol is known to trigger skin irritations, as well as facilitate the growth of bacteria, molds and viruses. Paraben preservatives, these are commonly found in cosmetics, deodorants, baby products and skin care.
Companies use most of these toxic ingredients because they are cheap. Try to stay away from products that use the ingredients mentioned above. Any company that is hiding the truth behind the ingredients of skin care is a company not want to deal with. While cheaper products skin care can seem an attractive option, this is almost never a good idea.
Clear, natural products can cost more money, but it is not worth your skin? Take your time to pay attention to all these labels skin care. What is the quickest way to age your skin? Use a product that includes the aforementioned ingredients. The skin absorbs everything you put into it, so make sure you are giving your skin the best products out there.
Traditional cleaning products used for centuries before the invention of these harmful chemicals are excellent environmentally friendly options. Lemon juice and vinegar works as well as cleaner and also eliminates germs and odors. Fresh air and sunlight is also a great way to neutralize odors and prevent the addition of chemicals into the air you breathe. Note that some germs and bacteria are essential to develop a normal immune system, which is particularly important when children grow and develop.

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