I Simply Love the Feel

I simply love the feel of my skin after applying Miessence 100% organic moisturizer! Never before I was so convinced by fact as I am with this product line. Having a mixed skin (dry with oily patches) it was very difficult to find a product serving both but particularly the dry patches. Using
Miessence rejuvenating cleanser followed by rejuvenating skin conditioner and the final touch – rejuvenating moisturizer have improved my skin condition beyond my expectation.

After 1 Month use my facial skin feels moist and gentle – looking at least 5 years younger!
There’s no point in staying young for ever but a real point in aging with grace! Rejuvenating products should not contain any harmful or suspected harmful ingredients since they put un necessary body burden on us which will show in our skin condition as well. Beauty is a state of mind – radiant look a state of health. A smile is worth 10 applications of cream, together they will be the right choice for your daily beauty regimen.
Beauty and health come at a price chose wisely what you put on your bath room shelves and into your hand bags.
Allways remember
60% of the products we splash,rub and massage onto our skin goes in. Very young children,ill or reconvalescent as well as elder people face more problems cooping with this extra burdens. Teen agers risk to be hormone mimicked resulting in early puberty. Feminisation is a possible side effect of all the chemicals added and sprayed onto the body daily. More information you find on toxicbeauty-ae.com or simply google toxic chemicals in skin care -
Stay happy healthy and beautiful with nature and Miessence

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