Stop Air Pollution Now!

My next car will be a hybrid or something of the like.  Exhaust fumes coming from automobiles are one of my biggest pet peeves.  In some places in the United States, if your car is older than a specified amount of years, you need to get a smog test done in order to drive it.  Sadly, other places seem to be behind on the times with taking the proper precautions necessary to ensure clean air.  I believe it is absolutely imperative that all places adhere to strict rules on automobile emissions. 
Driving a car is the worst thing we can do to the air quality.  Vehicle use has been decreasing due to the high gas prices and big SUV’s and trucks are being replaced by smaller cars.  I have seen some of the new smart cars on the road recently, which have become the latest rave since the hybrid was introduced.  Other countries, other than the U.S. have done better jobs of reducing their emissions levels.  The adverse effects of health affects of car exhaust are pervasive and difficult to measure. 
The obvious solution would be to drive less.  Local and global pollution would be reduced if each car owner pledged to use their car 30% less starting immediately.  If we can resist the temptation to drive and buy large, heavy vehicles some of the issue would be resolved.  Driving should be a privilege which is what it was intended to be in the first place.  The number of vehicles in urban areas needs to be set to an appropriate quota to decrease traffic congestion and air pollution.  They should put this into effect in Los Angeles to start and add an efficient public transportation system. 
There are many other things we can do to reduce air pollution caused by cars.  Rewarding people who take mass transit, carpool, or use alternate means of transportation such as a bicycle.  HOV lanes, road tolls, dedicated bus lanes for quicker commutes, and corporations can stagger working hours to reduce time in rush hour.  Long term solutions such as requiring that vehicles use biofuels, propane, natural gas, and hydrogen as energy sources would greatly improve the air quality.
Not only is car pollution bad for the environment, but smog is one of the contributing factors that cause wrinkles and premature aging.  This, in addition to sunlight and stagnant air can magnify the negative affect of skin problems.  It can also cause respiratory problems as well as fatigue.  Each of us must do our part to make sure future generations can breathe clean air. 

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