The Chemical Peel Burn Risks – Do You Really Want To Give Your Skin Second Degre

Despite much hype to the contrary, the chemical peel burn risks can be quite high, especially when you do them at home and the medium and deep peels done in surgery. Find out exactly what happens and why you should avoid these peels for the sake of your skin's future health and well-being.
For example, the increasingly popular medium chemical peel burns your skin to remove the outer layer and reveal the newer more radiant one underneath. As I alluded to in the title, these actually cause a second degree burn and it's done intentionally!
I understand it happens under controlled conditions but considering these need to be updated regularly, you actually help to accelerate the aging process.
The most common acid used is called trichloroacetic acid or TCA and this powerful acid gives the chemical peel burn its strength but also many potential side effects.
With this type of peel, you can expect to have burns, swelling, scabs and some pain and discomfort for a while after it's been done. This is normal and at this stage it is vital that you do not pick the many scabs as this can lead to permanent scarring.
In fact, permanent scarring is more common than you think, with many people reporting discolouration and permanent visible lines after this procedure. You may also lose your ability to tan your skin as it will have lost its natural defences to the sun's powerful UV rays.
Another common one is infection, especially if you itch your scabs, and though these can be treated with prescription meds, it is important to bear in mind as a possible side effect.
So are the risks really worth the outcome and the fact that you have to go through it regularly to keep your youthful looks? In my opinion, absolutely not, especially as there are now some natural and effective alternatives thanks to the latest breakthroughs in natural skin care science.
If your goal is younger looking, smoother and softer skin free from age spots and wrinkles, then the latest skin creams can help you achieve that safely and effectively.
Look for ingredients like Xtend-TK that can increase your collagen and elastin levels to tighten up your skin, Extrapone nutgrass to soothe and reduce the over-production of melanin which leads to age spots and Phytessence wakame to increase your hyaluronic acid levels and to provide many essential nutrients.
As you can see, with such exceptional and safe alternatives, why risk the chemical peel burn side effects in the first place?
To discover more about these potent natural substances that help to keep your skin radiant and healthy, visit my website below.

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