An Effective Lose Weight Fast Diet For You

Author: Akinshola Thomas 
Pregnancy is one of those times of a woman's life where dieting is not sensible. With another life inside your body, you have to make sure to eat enough to ensure that the baby is getting the nutrients for proper development. It does not stop their either. After giving birth, breast milk is the healthier choice for the developing infant. You cannot breastfeed on an empty stomach, can you? That is why most moms gain weight during these periods. I used to weigh a hundred ten pounds and after giving birth and breastfeeding, it actually went up 135 pounds – that's a whole heap! My clothes don't fit and I had to buy a whole new wardrobe.  It was quite embarrassing. I have been searching high and low for a lose weight fast diet that would really give me results, and I think I found one!
I am excited to share my lose weight fast diet. Each morning, before breakfast, I drink a glass of lukewarm water (tap water would do, but that won't be safe!). Then I eat around 2 pieces of brown toast with a smidgen of strawberry jam, a sunny side-up, a banana and a cup of delicious green tea. Lunch would consist of either beef, fish or chicken – without the skin, of course, steamed veggies and fruits. Dinner is eaten before 6 p.m. and is made up of garden salad with a bit of Italian dressing, a hard boiled egg and some chicken fillet.
It was plain torture at first since I'd get hungry. My system is not accustomed to this sort of diet. To help me out, I drinks lots of water in between or I take fruits such as oranges and apples to prevent upsetting my stomach. I got used to it after a day or two and actually felt lighter. My skin had a healthy glow to it and my pant size seemed to grow bigger each day. I just did not lose weight! My skin has never looked better than it is now.
But if you do want to lose weight much faster, then you have to include exercise in the plan. Sweating does help eliminate all those toxins inside the body. You don't need to go to a gym, walking for 30 minutes a day would do the trick. And after eating, avoid sitting around but try to stand a bit for at least 30 minutes.
Lose weight fast diet will be more effective if carried out together with a healthy lifestyle. Though giving in to temptations once in awhile won't hurt. Just remember that sexy is healthy!
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