The History Of Bracelets

Women and men, both are enjoying their own adornments nowadays. To try out their own styles and pose their own personality, people choose adornment as a mode. Especially women show their status and fashion through ornaments. Bracelet is one mode of showing their cachet. Bracelet is an adornment worn in the wrist just like wrist watch. Bracelet can be made of any material like metal, beads, fabrics like cotton or leather, containing shells, wood, stones etc. Nowadays people are using bracelets even as an identification mark or tags. It can be used for candidates of a school or patients in hospital .Some doctors even prescribe bands around the wrist for proper blood circulation and cooling the body.
The word bracelet was coined from ‘barcel', which is a French word, which originated from Latin word,‘ ‘brachile', which  means ‘of the arm'. The bracelet even started from Achaemenid age of about 500 BC before.
The bracelets were quite well known and it had made legend from Egypt. Scarab bracelet is illustrious and most spotted symbols of that country, which now has rejuvenated and come alive once again. The bracelet is often worn as well as enfolded into the mummies with the usage of linen material. The bracelet actually symbolizes the god, ‘Scarab' forcing the sun all around the sky.
In the country called Bulgaria, there is a cultural tradition of tying a wrist band which is mixed with red and white and the function is called ‘Martenitsa', which is for pleasing the god to get spring season soon .In the same manner, Greece people also have a tradition to wear red and white band in the hand and to tie it till the summer end which is known as Martis, which is supposed to shield the skin from rays of sun. Bracelets in India are worn by women symbolizing their marriage or as manacles.
There are different types of wrist bands or bracelets. Athletic people, especially tennis players use colored bands to represent their country; colored bands will be made of silicone material. This type of wrist bands originated in 2004 May and it was made popular by Armstrong and Nike .The silicone bracelet was used for campaigning purposes, passing information, as an awareness program  etc. The ribbons or bracelets used for creating awareness are called ‘baller' bands.
Some of the decorative bracelets are charm bracelets, beaded bracelets, slap bracelets etc., while charm bracelets are worn as a decorative piece in hand or as a gem stone  which the wearer uses to signify the life's cyclic importance  or as a fashion or trend. Italian bracelets look like a flat part fixed into the link's coat/ surface. Metal made pieces which are quite inexpensive made of graphics or with varied fluorescent colors are also common and called as slap bracelets. Beaded bracelets are found in the parts of south and west America, which will be made of more than one colors or a particular single bead.
While people use magnetic wrist bands or bracelets as a cure for diseases like healing arthritis, perturbing symptoms of some diseases, such magnetic bands will reduce the stress, headache, anxiety, muscle cramps etc. The whole process is called magnetic therapy, which itself has become a branch of study in medical field. The study of working principle of magnetic wrist bands consists of vast field, but the basic idea is that, it can alleviate the symptoms of a disease.
You can buy a range of different bracelets, you can even buy braclets online from 995 sunglasses!

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