Love Chocolate? Got Naturally Curly Hair? Read On

That'll be the Epicatechin. Epicatechin is a chemical that occurs naturally in the brain of all humans, but also in a woman's uterus (which explains a lot). When triggered, Epicatechin releases a happy hormone, and it is that sense of happiness that we women yearn for every time we reach for that elusive bar of chocolate. That is because the taste of chocolate triggers the Epicatechin, and makes us feel happy.
So, why are we all so scared of chocolate? Well, our bums, tums, hips and thighs don't appreciate it quick as much as our emotions. Well, they don't appreciate all the "nasties" that are put into the chocolate bars that we consume. However, did you know that before the chocolate companies, like Hershey and Cadbury added milk, preservatives etc, the cocoa was actually full of vitamins, nutrients and minerals that your body loves.
How to make Chocolate
Chocolate is created using the beans that are picked off trees in countries like Central America. The beans are dried under the sun, before being ground into what is called cocoa liquor. The cocoa liquor is then compressed into cocoa solid and cocoa butter cakes, which are finally ground into cocoa powder, which many of us are familiar with.
Pure Cocoa
Cocoa powder, or pure cocoa, is 100% natural, and has absolutely no preservatives, perfumes or colourings added to it at this stage. The pureness of the cocoa means that it is full of all those little goodies, which are good for almost every part of your body.
Cocoa contains several vitamins, potassium, zinc, copper, iron, potassium, phosphorous, chromium, sodium, magnesium and calcium, all of which promote healthy hair and scalp. However, two little goodies are even more special. They are:
We all know that caffeine is a natural stimulant, whether that's in your coffee, moisturiser or even in your hair products. Many people might not know that caffeine can stimulate healthy hair growth.
Epicatechin, on the other hand, is a member of the Polyphenol family, which are found in various types of beans and plants. However, why are polyphenols so good? Here's why:
Strengthen capillaries, ensuring that oxygen-filled blood in distributed to every part of your body
Are anti-inflammatory, meaning that they will help to protect your scalp and hair from damage
Prevent scarring and damage to the collagen tissues. This is important, because collagen keeps skin firm, especially during the inevitable aging process.
Keep your hair's elasticity.
Consuming pure chocolate, however, is not always to everybody's individual taste. Nevertheless, did you know that smelling chocolate also triggers those Epicatechin chemicals. That is why using chocolate in hair care products is becoming increasingly popular. Not only can the chocolate be almost 100% pure (because taste is not an issue), meaning that it continues to contain all of the above goodies, which will make your hair look and feel incredible, but also the smell will also make you feel incredible. This of course will give you a brilliant confidence boost.
So, why not give your hair and yourself an extra special treat, with an ultra nourishing chocolate hair treatment!

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