Great Tips Towards Stretch Mark Removal

It is a very common hears say that stretch marks are marks for ever on your skin. They are the permanent mark on the skin highlighting that you are a mother of a kid or many children. I will say it is a misnomer to use the term permanent marks because for me they hardly almost stayed not for more than a couple of years. I used the following techniques to erase those Honour badges from my skin. Truly, they worked out for me. In addition to these I have also mentioned various other effective tips that my mommy used to do for her self and from what she had learnt from her close knit friends.
These tips are in expensive and can be followed by all for effective treatment for skin stretch marks. Try Shea butter. It is one of the very famous ingredients for minimising the stretch marks. It is a great moisturiser and evidently softens the skin. Try applying this on the areas prone to stretch marks. Upon continuous usage, you are sure to find a skin that is free of any marks.
Another common tip that my mom uses on me is the oil mixture treatment. In this, you mix half cup of extra virgin olive oil with half a cup of aloe vera gel with 10 vitamin E capsules and 5 vitamin A capsules. This oil mixture can be stored in the refrigerator. Before and after the bath try massaging the skin with this oil mixture and you can witness a grand cure upon consistent usage.
Try using Emu oil it is available cheaply in many stores. The advantage of using Emu oil is that it is useful for curing any other scars also which are marring the skin texture and appearance. They have a tendency to deeply penetrate the skin very fastly and cures the marks from the inside layers of the skin. The cure is from inside towards outside.
Another common method to erase stretch mark is to apply baby oil over the skin lavishly. Try applying it over the skin immediately after bath while the skin is still wet. This can drastically help to not only moisturise the skin but also helps for better absorption since the skin is wet. Pat or dampen a cloth with water while giving the skin hot and cold treatments alternatively. This is mainly effective for the stomach regions since these areas are very sensitive to hot and cold fluctuations.
Not to forget the miraculous cocoa butter. They have and are still doing many wonders for the stretch mark treatments. Cocoa butter when massaged over the skin deeply penetrates in to various layers of the skin thus curing the scars caused by the stretching of the skin.
In contrast to these tips, one of my aunts, is keenly interested in not using any of these tips and argues strongly that the stretch marks are caused only due to hormonal changes in the body and not due to the stretching of the skin tissues. She also challenges that these marks can vanish right away in due course with out any kind of additional care taken for removing them. Time has to answer if these marks can vanish in a due course.
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