Allergic Dermatitis::Cause & Solution for Dermatitis

Allergic dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin that is usually itchy and comes with pain most of the time.  It is caused by allergens.  What are the symptoms, causes and solution?  This is what we will discuss now.
Common Allergens
Plants like poison ivy and poison sumac are common causes of the symptoms.  Detergents and soaps can cause the reaction, particularly if they have a high alkaline content.  That's why dishwashers get dishpan hands.  It is actually a type of contact dermatitis.  The sodium laurel sulfate present in shampoo and many body washes is another common allergen.  So are artificial preservatives and fragrance ingredients.  Nickel, gold and chromium are other common skin allergens.
What Causes Allergies?
We do not know exactly why some people have allergies and others do not.  We do know that allergies are on the rise in industrialized countries.  There are many theories about that, including the possibility that good hygiene has actually made us more sensitive.
What happens is that the immune system reacts to harmless substances by producing excessive amounts of certain white blood cells and antibodies that result in an extreme inflammatory response.  You might say that inflammation is the cause, because that is what causes the symptoms.
What is the Solution for Allergic Dermatitis?
You need an immediate and a long-term solution.  The immediate solution will relieve your symptoms.  The long-term solution will help reduce inflammation throughout your body, which is important, because chronic inflammation is a cause of cellular aging.
The immediate solution is a body lotion or face cream containing Functional Keratin.  Whether you need a body lotion or a face cream depends on the location of the outbreak.  The long-term solution is improved nutritional intake.
Why Functional Keratin and Nutrients Work to Relieve Allergic Dermatitis
Functional Keratin has natural anti-inflammatory activity.  The ingredient is found in some skin care products, but not in many.   If your face is affected, I would recommend Restorative Night Cream.  It contains Shea butter, as well as Functional Keratin.  Both have anti-inflammatory activity.  It also contains active manuka honey, which has natural antibacterial activity, reducing your risk of secondary infections.
Many researchers believe that changes in nutritional intake are the underlying cause of increased incidences of allergic dermatitis and other allergies in recent decades.  Popular foods are imbalanced in terms of fatty acid content.  They contain too many inflammatory omega-6s and not enough anti-inflammatory omega-3s.  A good fish oil supplement will help correct the dietary imbalance.
There are other natural anti-inflammatories that can be found in good dietary supplements.  Those include curcumin and piperine, which are found in turmeric and black pepper.  Total Balance contains those ingredients, as well as other nutrients with anti-inflammatory activity.
What are the Benefits?
The benefits of the night cream will include:
Relief of redness, itching and pain, because of the anti-inflammatory activity of Shea butter and Functional Keratin
Faster healing, because of active manuka honey
No more dry skin, because of Functional Keratin's moisturizing activity
Fewer wrinkles and younger looking skin, because of the combination of ingredients
The benefits of increasing your nutritional intake may be numerous.  While you should still avoid common allergens, you should have fewer problems with allergic dermatitis in the future.
·         What You Should Do Now
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