Eat All You Want and Lose Weight - True or False or Both?

Author: Aster Brittan 
Of course, you can eat all you want of what you want, if all you want is lettuce and
carrots but that would mean you were a rabbit and not a human living out in the real world surrounded by fast food joints and friends who love to eat.
There are, however, ways to eat enough so that we aren't starving to death, have a
roaring headache and shaky hands all the time while we try to lose weight.  We can train your stomach and mind to receive less food and still feel full and satisfied.
The Anne Collins Program will design a diet for you that you can actually live with and live with long enough to do some good.   What works is formulating new habits of eating and doing it long enough for your body to adjust.  Your body has a
You can gather enough information from the Weight Loss secrets ebook so that you can maintain your weight loss for the rest of your life, and get off the yo-yo cycle of weight loss-weight gain. 
Yo-yo cycle of weight loss and gain is especially dangerous to your health as it taxes your heart.  There are cases of people who have actually died due to stressing the heart with excessive weight loss.  This is the main reason why fad diets do not work and are bad for you in the long run.
Learning to eat a well-balanced and healthy diet now will keep you healthy, fit and active for the rest of your life. Portion control is a central part of learning to control your diet.
Can you really judge how big a piece of chicken weighs four ounces?  I doubt it and I'd even bet that what you thought weighed 4 ounces actually would weigh closer to 8 ounces.
You really should invest in a food scale. They don't cost much and they are worth every
penny of what they do cost.Also, measuring is essential for weight control.
By using the Anne Collins Program you really can eat all you want but it will be foods that are lower in calories and fat than what you have been eating.
It will still be a diet that consist of foods that you enjoy so you wont feel mistreated or deprived while you lose those pounds.  You can eat more of the lower calorie foods at any time without negatively affecting your progress.
Remember the childrens story Dumbo? A caution about weight loss patches.
It is the story of a baby elephant who was born with unfortunately large ears they were something he was so ashamed of until he was given a magic feather that allowed him to fly as long as he held on to it.
It took awhile but eventually little Dumbo learned that the feather had nothing to do
with making him fly he could fly all along without the feather. Diet patches along with other magic products that promise to make losing weight fast and easy are like that magic feather.
You will see such advertisements all over in your brick and mortar world, as well as, on the internet such as "Simply follow our system:
Place a patch on your upper body. Then carry on with your everyday lifestyle. Eat all
you want whenever you want it and no strenuous exercise is required.  Every three days peel off the patch and watch as you take off the pounds. Replace it with a new
patch and drop more pounds. It's that easy."
Oh, please! That sounds a lot like the magic feather that Dumbo believed in.
The only magic needed for successful weight loss is a sensible, well-balanced,reduced-calorie or low-carb diet, (Anne Collins Program), regular exercise and the only Support you need is that of others who are facing the same challenges you face every day while you try hard to eat right.
Real magic happens when we get all of the information available about losing weight,
maintaining the loss and learn the Weight Loss Secrets. It is pretty magical what some regular daily exercise can do, as well.
The bottom line is that the only thing that is going to lose weight when you buy those magic patches is your wallet.

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