6 Unhealthy Ways to Lose Weight

tommie mil 

Just to get that 'celebrity like figure', people now are ready to try out unhealthy ways to lose weight fast. Find out what are some of the unhealthy and weird ways that people take up in order to lose weight.
You try out that beautiful evening gown, but to your dismay it's too tight for you. So what's your next step? Hitting the gym in order to lose the excess flab? Or follow a strict healthy diet? None. Your next step is trying out some of the most unhealthy ways to lose weight fast. Not only you, but almost everyone from Hollywood celebrities to the young school going teenage girl, are in a hurry to lose weight and instead of waiting for two to three months to lose weight in an healthy manner, they would rather follow some unhealthy routine which will help them lose weight fast. Here are some of the unhealthy but fast ways to lose weight.
Unhealthy Ways to Lose Weight Quick
Dieting is one way to lose weight and so is exercising, but too much or too less of anything is bad. A proper healthy diet contains all the healthy things and having proper 4 square meal a day; but in order to lose weight fast, people skip meals and stay on just mineral water or juice and nothing else. Exercising in order to lose weight, should be done under proper guidance and for a limited time. But again people exceed the normal time limit thinking that they will lose excess weight fast. Here are some of the other unhealthy ways to lose weight fast.
Smoking is a weird method that people carry out in order to lose weight fast. When a person smokes, it sends certain signals to the brain to increase the metabolic rate and that is what kills hunger. Yes! That's true. Smoking is one weird and unhealthy way to suppress hunger and if you are not hungry then that would of course mean less intake of food and that means losing weight at a faster rate. But people sometimes overlook the bad effect of this unhealthy ways to lose weight; and that's cancer and other problems related to health. The body loses it's strength, thus making it more susceptible to various infections.
Use of Laxatives
The use of laxatives is another weird and unhealthy ways of losing weight fast and this method is not a new concept. People use these in any form; pills, powder, tea and so on in order to lose weight fast. Surprisingly, it's not only the common people but even Hollywood celebrities resort to this means in order to lose weight fast. This method however has a negative impact on ones digestive system.
Skipping Meals
I had read somewhere ones, 'eat breakfast like a king, eat lunch like a common man and eat dinner like a pauper and you will remain fit for a long time'. But the whole concept of 'need to lose weight fast' has changed the whole thing to 'eat breakfast like a pauper, and forget lunch and dinner'. People skip meals thinking that they are dieting and thus losing those flabs, but little do they know that they are only depriving their body off all the important nutrients and vitamins, thus harming their body further.
Another weird way to lose weight fast is by hypnotism. This method is said to alter the consciousness and helps people to make the correct choice specially when it comes to eating.
This is a very common means of unhealthy ways to lose weight fast. In this situation, people crave for unhealthy food and once they stuff themselves with this, they start feeling guilty about gaining weight, and hence they force themselves to vomit out whatever they had eaten. This method is also known as the 'finger sandwich method' or 'bulimia'. Two things are happening here; one, the person's urge to gorge on unhealthy food is fully satisfied and second, throwing up the food makes him satisfied that he is not getting fat because he's lost the calories that he had consumed.
Over Exercise
Exercise is good for your body, but to a certain extent. Too much of anything is bad and if you exercise more than what is required, and that too in a body that has been deprived of nutrition, then instead of making one fit and healthy, it will just do the opposite. So exercise, but exercise till what your body can take.
These were some of the weird and unhealthy ways to lose weight fast. These methods are not at all good for your mind, body and soul. They will only make one weak. Instead, bear patience and follow a healthy diet and try and lose weight naturally.

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