6 Unhealthy Ways to Lose Weight

tommie mil 

Just to get that 'celebrity like figure', people now are ready to try out unhealthy ways to lose weight fast. Find out what are some of the unhealthy and weird ways that people take up in order to lose weight.
You try out that beautiful evening gown, but to your dismay it's too tight for you. So what's your next step? Hitting the gym in order to lose the excess flab? Or follow a strict healthy diet? None. Your next step is trying out some of the most unhealthy ways to lose weight fast. Not only you, but almost everyone from Hollywood celebrities to the young school going teenage girl, are in a hurry to lose weight and instead of waiting for two to three months to lose weight in an healthy manner, they would rather follow some unhealthy routine which will help them lose weight fast. Here are some of the unhealthy but fast ways to lose weight.
Unhealthy Ways to Lose Weight Quick
Dieting is one way to lose weight and so is exercising, but too much or too less of anything is bad. A proper healthy diet contains all the healthy things and having proper 4 square meal a day; but in order to lose weight fast, people skip meals and stay on just mineral water or juice and nothing else. Exercising in order to lose weight, should be done under proper guidance and for a limited time. But again people exceed the normal time limit thinking that they will lose excess weight fast. Here are some of the other unhealthy ways to lose weight fast.
Smoking is a weird method that people carry out in order to lose weight fast. When a person smokes, it sends certain signals to the brain to increase the metabolic rate and that is what kills hunger. Yes! That's true. Smoking is one weird and unhealthy way to suppress hunger and if you are not hungry then that would of course mean less intake of food and that means losing weight at a faster rate. But people sometimes overlook the bad effect of this unhealthy ways to lose weight; and that's cancer and other problems related to health. The body loses it's strength, thus making it more susceptible to various infections.
Use of Laxatives
The use of laxatives is another weird and unhealthy ways of losing weight fast and this method is not a new concept. People use these in any form; pills, powder, tea and so on in order to lose weight fast. Surprisingly, it's not only the common people but even Hollywood celebrities resort to this means in order to lose weight fast. This method however has a negative impact on ones digestive system.
Skipping Meals
I had read somewhere ones, 'eat breakfast like a king, eat lunch like a common man and eat dinner like a pauper and you will remain fit for a long time'. But the whole concept of 'need to lose weight fast' has changed the whole thing to 'eat breakfast like a pauper, and forget lunch and dinner'. People skip meals thinking that they are dieting and thus losing those flabs, but little do they know that they are only depriving their body off all the important nutrients and vitamins, thus harming their body further.
Another weird way to lose weight fast is by hypnotism. This method is said to alter the consciousness and helps people to make the correct choice specially when it comes to eating.
This is a very common means of unhealthy ways to lose weight fast. In this situation, people crave for unhealthy food and once they stuff themselves with this, they start feeling guilty about gaining weight, and hence they force themselves to vomit out whatever they had eaten. This method is also known as the 'finger sandwich method' or 'bulimia'. Two things are happening here; one, the person's urge to gorge on unhealthy food is fully satisfied and second, throwing up the food makes him satisfied that he is not getting fat because he's lost the calories that he had consumed.
Over Exercise
Exercise is good for your body, but to a certain extent. Too much of anything is bad and if you exercise more than what is required, and that too in a body that has been deprived of nutrition, then instead of making one fit and healthy, it will just do the opposite. So exercise, but exercise till what your body can take.
These were some of the weird and unhealthy ways to lose weight fast. These methods are not at all good for your mind, body and soul. They will only make one weak. Instead, bear patience and follow a healthy diet and try and lose weight naturally.

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Get Motivated To Lose Weight - Additional Motivation On Losing Weight

Stepfanie Wayne 

Do you have plan on how to motivate yourself on losing weight? Have you always been failed on your wants to lose weight? Do you think motivation is lacking in your ways?   Have you added motivation as part of losing weight? or not?
Just like flu, fever and colds, obesity is very common. With the kind of food that we eat and the lifestyle that we practice, it is not questionable why obesity is very common all over the world. Obesity has been common to the teens and adults, and keeping a healthy lifestyle is very important, that is why losing some weight is needed. Not only it makes you pleasing to look at, but it also prevents you from any obesity related diseased conditions. However, despite the world's demand of the need to lose weight, it is not that easy to achieve it. Aside from your determination, Motivation is a big factor to keep you going at times when you are on the verge of giving up. This is one way on preventing on giving up for you. So, even if is hard, as I losing weight and gaining motivation, you can find different ways on how to get one.
Set a goal
Your goals have to be realistic and time bound. If it is not, then you'll be frustrated instead. Having a goal is great to keep you on your road. Before achieving your goals, you must always know what you really wanted. Your desire for weight loss has to be a simple goal to keep you motivated along the way. Wanting to lose pounds in a limited time, wanting to wear a type of clothes is an example of having a specific goal. You should keep in mind that your goal must be achievable.
Make use of your journal for weight loss. Make sure to have a list in what you need to eat, the planned exercises to perform and a quote that will help you have determination. Having a journal will help you when you are depressed and unlighted.

Find Support
Support from people you care is necessary to keep you motivated and be inspired. Surrounded by your family and friends is important. Talk to them about your desires in losing weight. You should make sure that they will support you so that you will get motivated.
The IF I DO's and IF I DO NOT DO's
Use two sheets of paper and put if I do in one sheet on the upper part. Think of the possibilities on what are the outcome of losing weight, such as:
I'll become physically attractive and an eye catcher.
My friends would be so curious about what are the things that I have done in order to lose some weight.
I'll go shopping for my new clothes.
On another sheet, imagine your self on what will happen if you did not lose some weight, like:
I'll be looking unpleasant…
They would bully me and get into my nerves.
I cannot wear the dress that I wanted.
I would never want to make friends.
I will start to buy black colored shirts because it could cover up the fats.

Try to reminisce the old you when you were still slimmer and sexier. You can use your picture as a background of your laptop or in your mirror. With the help of this, this will help you to become motivated.

Reward yourself…
If you have been persistent in achieving your goal and at last you have achieved that certain goal then you should probably give yourself a treat. Just do not give yourself something that can hinder your desire to lose weight such as foods and drinks.
Punish yourself…
When you fail to lose pounds you have in your goals and consistently been so lousy with your diet and exercise, PUNISH yourself in a form of TV, iPod restriction, or computer limit. Punishing will help you realized that you have done a lousy job and this may lead you to nowhere.

Track your progress
By having a journal, this will make you use your lists on what you have done for a week, months, and years. Seeing your achievement being written down is such a great motivator. If you have improved then always think positive and continue to have a great job but if you are in a wrong direction then discipline yourself and adjust your routines.
Learn from others
Learning from people with weight loss success stories is also a great motivation. Thousands of people have been in the same position as you in losing weight. In losing weight we also need a healthy tips and advices from those people who have the same story as yours. The advices that they are saying will be a help in losing weight but it always depends on the person on how to lose weight.
Do it for yourself
Always think that you wanted to lose weight not that others want it. You must feel that you will be happy on what you are doing not just others will be happy if you do it. For you to get motivated to lose weight, you have to really want it, for yourself, your health and life.

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How to Lose Weight Fast in a Week. Tips and effective remedies

Enrique Ortiz 

How to Lose Weight Fast in a Week. Tips and effective remedies.
To learn how to lose weight fast in a week, you have to define your plan and follow it exactly. These tips and remedies will help you lose weight fast and lose belly in just 7 days.
The first instruction is to take an abundance of water. This works because the water reduces anxiety and therefore the appetite. At the same time, water consumption tones muscles, reduces cholesterol and helps to improve digestion and liver function.
Besides the above, the water cleanses the body and accelerates the metabolic process so that they can burn calories more efficiently. If you weigh about 130 pounds, is expected to take eight glasses of water a day can properly burn calories and lose weight quickly.
Detoxify Your Body To Lose Weight Fast.
Obviously, the mere fact of drinking water is not enough to lose weight fast. It is also necessary to eat properly in order to quantify the decrease in your weight. Some foods that serve as an alternative to lose weight in a week are also useful to detoxify the body of harmful substances. By doing this, the digestive system and liver function at a rate that accelerates the metabolism and burn more calories and fat.
Also, if you eat foods that cleanse your body and are low in calories, you'll not only thinner or you will also have much more energy and you can feel like losing weight fast. Thus, the more energy it is logical to burn more calories and lose weight quickly. So what are the foods that are actually useful to reduce those extra kilos?
Fruit diet toxins Cleaners
Strawberries and raspberries contains elegiac acid, which is an effective substance for the body to remove harmful elements. The grapes for its part help the proper functioning of the arteries, cranberry facilitates the work of the kidneys, while the consumption of lime is of importance for the operation and cleaning of the liver. All this helps in part to how to lose weight fast and have more energy as it speeds up your body which is very conducive to your goal.
Here you can learn more about the diet of the 11 fruit weight loss in just 5 days.
Ways to burn belly fat
Eat low-fat dairy such as cheese, yogurt or skim milk helps to eliminate fat in the abdominal area, and the consumption of calcium-rich product. A little fiber is also useful to know how to lose weight fast and burn fat quickly, and note that if you eat twice as much fiber you'll feel full while you cleaned your body and burn calories more efficiently.
You also have to practice abdominal exercises and if you want your back in shape, you can try the exercises for buttocks here.
Do not stop hot sauce, if you want to lose weight fast.
If you like hot food, you can consider yourself lucky. Capsaicin, the active ingredient compounds such as chile peppers increases the metabolic rate and increases your ability to burn up to ten percent more calories and thus know how to lose weight fast. Even if you're not a fan of hot meals, since it forces you to inherent spicy foods, a better option would be a good cup of tea.
Excellent Green Tea diet drink itself.
A good drink besides water to supplement your diet can be green tea. 5 cups of green tea a day is a stimulus for the body to burn up to eighty calories per day.
Increased number of meals in smaller portions ...
Note that it is best to eat more times a day in smaller portions. In this way they can burn calories faster while you get away from painful bouts of hunger. Choose fruits such as bananas, apples, cherries, blueberries, melons and watermelons as an alternative to having a goal like losing weight fast. Other foods that help you lose weight are vegetables such as broccoli, carrot, cabbage, beans, spinach, squash, tomatoes, black beans, onion and kale to lower apace.
Best Advice: 7 Tips For Rapid Weight Loss in 2011, click here
Choose high-fiber cereals for your colon and digestive system
Choose breads and cereals like whole wheat rolls and some fiber from oats and barley will give a push to get rid of excess weight. Other helpful foods are the chicken and lean pork chops, salmon and tuna. This helps to combat and lower belly.
Some options for appetizer
A good starter for how to lose weight fast can be a piece of popcorn (no butter of course) and nuts or other seeds, assorted nuts, applesauce, raisins, cookies and granola bars.
Keep your regular schedule for healthy weight loss
When trying to learn how to lose weight fast, it is important that you plan your meal times. Start by driving an agenda where you can write when and what you will eat during the day. If you do this, you can take a kind of diary that will ensure compliance with the diet regardless of how will the thinning of your body.
Do not drink liquids during meals to lose belly
During meals do not consume liquids like water or tea, nor any kind of juice or soda. The idea behind this is to better digestion of food, therefore seeks to have a cup of hot tea about half an hour after eating.
To lose weight quickly choose the "blue food"
A very interesting note in regard to how to lose weight fast and some colors influence the perception of what we eat. For example, foods of blue, purple or black are often normally decrease appetite, unlike the red foods that tend to increase. Therefore, I would be very helpful in your efforts to lose weight, if anyone can DISEÑARTE where food diet gain some shade of blue. Believes that many of the foods we enjoy have a lot to do with the color of food.
Keep your firm plan with a little willpower
The information just given you no doubt will be very useful in your quest for how to lose weight fast. If you are consistent with the program you can have absolute certainty that it is only a matter of time before you start to see results within a week or more in a month later.

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Lose Weight By Dancing - Natural Way To Lose Weight Review

Claire Adams 

A lot of people now want to lose weight and if possible, the natural way. Most probably, you are one of them. You are into the same thing. Well, it is possible to lose weight naturally. Know for yourself how with this guide, the Lose Weight By Dancing.
Click Here For Lose Weight By Dancing Instant Access Now!
The guide is written by Theresa Stevens and she actually has 3 secrets on losing weight and then becoming totally well. Thus, it is certainly a must-see for you. Check out the guide and you will know important things about losing weight and then becoming completely good.
Stevens indeed shared through the book that by dancing one can have some weight eliminated and later love his or her body, feel really sexy and love his or her life more. She revealed that there is a specific dance, which is hands and booties down, which one can do regularly so to lose some weight and then turn out to be perfect emotionally, mentally, and of course physically.
Lose Weight By Dancing is definitely a must-see. It is a guide for people like you to actually see. It has everything you need to know about losing weight and dancing. At this point, you can check it out online. You can see it online at any time of day or night.
You might have already tried doing a lot of things just to lose some weight but still you have not done so. See Lose Weight By Dancing and you might finally eliminate some weight. Yes, you will know everything you need to know about losing weight and dancing with such wonderful guide. It will be really helpful to you. You might not believe this at this point but one can lose weight just by dancing. Discover how it is possible with Lose Weight By Dancing.
Click Here For Lose Weight By Dancing Instant Access Now!

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The 10 Ways To Lose Weight And To Stay Healthy

Hal Johnson 

Most of us are looking forward or aspiring to slim down or to have a nice body shape. We can only achieve this by following the 10 ways to lose weight. It does not require us to go the some doctors to be treated by surgical procedures to have an instant weight lose. Instead, the 10 ways to lose weight will ensure us the natural and safe ways on how we can obtain the perfect body we wish for ourselves.
In this article, you will know 10 ways to lose weight that makes you achieve the perfect and ideal weight.  Before you get with your diet plan, you have to know your perfect weight, for you to have the best guidelines.
To lose weight is not an easy task.  A great effort and enthusiasm must be exerted especially for the obese persons.  The process of quick weight loss depends on how focus you are in your diet plan.
As far as we know, there are 100 ways to lose weight but knowing the effective top 10 healthy ways to lose weight will help you a lot. Just have a dedication to have a best result. It is a promise to yourself that you need to keep and to religiously work it out. Remember, knowing the 10 ways to lose weight is more than having 10 ways to get rich.
Here are the top 10 easy ways to lose weight.
Know the right amount of calorie for your daily intake.  This information will help you to maintain the ideal quantity of calories every day. Eating right food is the best way is to lose weight.  We must know that healthy diet always comes from having a right nutrition that we get from food.
Always consume fruits and vegetables.  According to the study of nutrition, our body needs a least amount of 5 vegetables and a serving of fruit every day. This is the great starting point to maintain a healthy body. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and they have useful fiber that flush out toxins from our body or what we called the antioxidants. This is another way to lose weight
Never skip meals, especially the breakfast; this is not a best option in 10 ways to lose weight fast or one of the 10 ways to lose weight pounds. Start your day with a healthy breakfast.  Have quality foods that are affordable and will fit your budget.  Avoid those foods that are high in calories.
Another one is having an exercise routine.  It is very important to combine exercise in diet.  There are 10 ways to lose weight by exercise and this remains the best tandem for diet. Just to mention few of them are running, walking, swimming, cycling, weight lifting, aerobics, yoga, and engaged to some outdoor sports.  It is best to motivate your mental and physical health.  It will also give you endurance to strengthen your body and makes you stay in good body shape or it will form a great mass of muscles that makes you attractive.
Do not skip your meal, instead take them few times smaller than the usual meal, and take several times smaller to have more energy and good blood sugar level.
After you have successfully made the first 5 ways to lose weight, the rest is just so simple but still requires more of your attention.
Vegetables and fruits are good to include in your diet plan or diet meals. They have low calorie and no fat. In addition, forget about your favorite sweets.
Instead of the processed and instant foods, take time to cook something that is natural and fresh. Protein products like egg, peanut should be avoided for the meantime. You can see that these 10 ways to lose weight can turn into 10 ways to save money because you can prevent yourself to stop buying unhealthy but expensive foods and snacks.
Always bear in mind that water remains the most important than any other beverages. All of them are chemically made and has an enormous amount of substance that is unnecessary for your goals.
You can be more aware and completely focus if you set a journal exclusively for your weight lose plan. Include the avoidance of smoking.
Discipline and hard work is the key to have a successful plan. The 10 ways to lose weight think just like riding a roller coaster, at first it seems like it is impossible to make it to the top but later realize that you can. Stay focus and determine to finish the entire program until you have reached your desired body size.
At the end of the day, the decision is always yours; whether you want to keep the 10 ways to lose weight or to stay unhealthy and less productive. Remember that the shape of the body has something to do with the health and the brain.
Either of them may damage if you will not stop from doing the unnecessary habits to live longer and prosper. The 10 ways to lose weight will definitely be a good guide to be the envy of others and to catch more attention and attraction.

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Lose Weight

Clyde Thorburn 

Most physicians make an incorrect diagnosis and subsequent incorrect and inappropriate decision about the lose weight Bios Life Slim product, by stating that they see no ingredients in it to lower cholesterol, treat diabetes and lose weight for the patient taking it, because most of them have received no educated or sustained comprehensive training in nutritional products. The man's mother decided to try the lose weight Bios Life Slim product in spite of the doctors diagnosis and related incorrect decision. The man's mother mentioned to the doctor that Bios Life Slim had worked extremely well for the treatment of her son's high cholesterol levels and had also helped him lose weight and also control his blood sugar levels, all this at the same time.
The man's mother started using the lose weight Bios Life Slim products and after eight weeks the man, her son, received a phone call from his mother saying that she had just had her cholesterol levels checked by her doctor and she said that her cholesterol level had still not gone down below two hundred and twenty, despite her being on the lose weight Bios Life Slim product. Her son then said that he would refund his mother the money that she had spent on the Bios Life Slim product. The mother said that it was not necessary to do that because she had lost weight and that she felt great and had more energy to do things, which she did not have before taking Bios Life Slim. She liked the fact that she could lose weight but was unhappy that it had not lowered her cholesterol after being on the product for eight weeks.
However, she did not give up on the lose weight Bios Life Slim product purely because it made her lose weight and had given her so much constant daily energy. She continued taking the lose weight Bios Life Slim product for another eight weeks. After this additional two month period of taking Bios Life Slim she had her blood test done as a mandatory test, to test her liver function, because she was still taking prescription drugs while also taking Bios Life Slim during the additional two month period. This was a good thing because it has always been recommended that people should never stop taking their prescribed medication while they are taking the lose weight Bios Life Slim product as well. Her blood test after the additional two month period of taking Bios Life Slim revealed that her cholesterol levels had finally dropped from a reading of two hundred and twenty to one hundred and fifty nine.
People who want to lose weight and experience a good diabetes treatment as well as lowering cholesterol and would also like to work from home and create a regular monthly income from marketing the Bios Life Slim product to other people, need to visit this link lose weight and complete the market survey.

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Lose Weight Easily by Drinking More Water

Roseanna Leaton 

To lose weight easily there are many different things which we can do. In reality, although we tend to search for new and revolutionary ways in which to lose weight without making any effort, we know the basics of what is required of us. Losing weight means cutting down on calories, sweet things, fatty foods and alcohol. Exercise is also required so as to burn off calories.
To lose weight successfully you either have to eat fewer calories or burn more of them. Unless you do this you don't really expect to lose weight. Instead of trying to get away from these inescapable facts or trying to find a way around them, wouldn't it be better to simply search for weight loss tips which help you to adapt your eating habits and lifestyle to live within this reality?
Sometimes the simplest weight loss tips end up proving to be the best. This makes sense as those that are simplest are the easiest to put into practice and also easiest to maintain. One weight loss tip which I am sure we have all heard before is to drink two large glasses of water before you eat your meals. Now this is certainly pretty simple to do and neither does it cost anything.
If you are reading this article you presumably want to lose weight. And you have probably heard that drinking water before a meal will help you to feel full, and therefore to eat less. My question to you then is did you try this? Have you personally set about drinking two glasses of water before your meals and has it become a habit; is this now part of your lifestyle?
I would wager a bet that most overweight people do not in fact do this despite the fact they have been told that it will help them to lose weight. There's probably one main reason for this; because to implement this weight loss tip alone will probably not make a sufficient enough impression upon the weight you want to lose; You don't lose weight easily or quickly enough for your liking solely by drinking more water.
Another reason may perhaps be that you never believed it to be true. But recent research carried out by the American Chemical Society has shown its efficacy in assisting people to lose weight more easily. In a randomized study carried out over a period of twelve weeks, those dieters who drank water before meals lost on average almost 5 pounds more than those who were on the same low calorie diet but did not drink water before meals.
You may feel that five pounds in weight is not that much extra to lose in a twelve week period. But in reality every little bit helps. And let's face it, nobody could say that it's difficult to drink water could they? And if you just did this for another 12 weeks that would add up to losing 10 pounds in weight altogether, which equates to being able to wear a whole size smaller in clothes...just by drinking water so that you feel fuller before you start to eat.
How many other seemingly insignificant weight loss tips are there which you might have ignored or overlooked, because they wouldn't alone make a significant enough difference upon your weight? Imagine how easily you could lose weight if you implemented two or three of these simple and easily effected lifestyle changes. You can lose weight easily by drinking water. You can lose weight easily by taking the stairs instead of the elevator. You can lose weight more easily by doing any number of little things. All you have to do is decide to do them.
Roseanna Leaton, specialist in hypnosis downloads to get your mind around weight loss.
P.S. Discover how to get your mind working for you. Grab a free hypnosis download from my website and discover how easy this is.

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