Opinions on whether laser surgery can actually remove stretch marks or not is su

Author: tedd woods 
Stretch marks are caused by excessive stretching of skin as a result of rapid weight loss
profits. Skin that is elastic and stretches to adapt to this new body volume. In this
At some point, though, the skin reaches its capacity limit of the deepest stretch and
layer will break. Surface of the skin remains intact when it happens, but it seems
to be thin and striated. These grooves are known as stretch marks, and once created, they
will remain forever.
Opinions on whether laser surgery can actually remove stretch marks or not is subdivided. One
school of thought recognizes that there is no evidence to support the theory that the laser
treatment can remove stretch marks. Here's why: lasers are supposedly beneficial
remove, vaporize tissue degradation. They can not repair tissue
as it were. Since the stretch is broken fabric label, they can not be determined by using a laser
therapy. According to them, there is evidence from clinical trials that do not stretch
treatable by laser therapy.
But there is another school of thought that says that stretch marks are purely
cosmetic issue and it can be treated as such. They say that Beautiful is a new method of laser
eliminate stretch marks, because lasers can stimulate collagen production, which
will be filled by following the signs. Lithuanian laser energy, theoretically speaking, soaked
established under the dermis to promote collagen production fresh. The new collagen thickens
stretch and fill the bottom up. Apparently, no pain should be experienced in
For the first couple of days after treatment, the area may be slightly pink, as
If there is mild sunburn. Subsequent treatments will darken the skin, and no bleeding or
blueberries should be addressed. But even they admit that such an approach does not mean that
skin looks a hundred percent of normal. Perfection is a matter of degree, and may vary
differ greatly from person to person.
At some point, though, the skin reaches its capacity limit of the deepest stretch and
layer will break. Surface of the skin remains intact when it happens, but it seemsDo you know the condition of the skin, almost 80% of the total population, which is a different species, the results of severe emotional distress, and consists of a four-letter name? If you guessed was the skin condition acne, then you are absolutely correct. Although the causes of acne is quite difficult to treat, dermatologists are now using the achievements of laser technology in order to halt and prevent acne scarring, there are serious acne outbreaks.

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