Home Remedies For Dark Under Arms

Author: Nadia khan 

Having dark underarms can be quite embarrassing. Dark underarms can be the only problem which stops you from wearing those sleeveless dresses that you absolutely adore.
Dark underarms can be caused due to the friction between your dress and skin. Excessive sweating and improper methods of hair removal also contributes to the problem. Hormonal imbalance and excessive use of deodorants can also cause your underarms to turn dark.
There are many remedial methods you can follow so as to tackle the problem of dark underarms.
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Wax your underarms instead of using hair removal creams and shaving them. This method will prevent the formation of ingrown hairs which will make your skin look dark. After waxing, do moisturize your underarms to prevent the skin from becoming dry.
Exfoliate your underarms. You can treat your underarms with scrubs that will help to remove the dead skin cells. After scrubbing, apply a paste of lemon juice, cucumber juice and turmeric powder on your underarms with the help of a cotton swab. Rinse off after 20 minutes with warm water.
Daily repetition of this treatment for a week will leave your underarms light and will also make the skin fresh.
You can also rub a lemon slice on your underarms daily, as a method of lightening them. Lemon is found to be a very effective natural bleaching agent. Faster results can be obtained by mixing and applying Vitamin E oil and lemon juice on your armpits.
Another effective home remedy for dark underarms involves mixing together 1 teaspoon turmeric powder,1 tablespoon curd and 1 tablespoon of milk and applying it on your under arms. You can also heat a mixture of honey, lemon juice and sugar and apply it on your underarms after it has cooled down.
This process if repeated thrice a week will provide you with soft and lighter underarms.
Do not allow sweat to linger on your underarms for a long time. Use anti fungal powders or talcum based powders instead of using strong deodorants and alcohol based perfumes.
You can also apply alum powder or baking soda on your underarms as they will help in the effective absorption of sweat. Also wear loose fitting shirts and blouses to reduce the friction between the cloth and your skin.Thus,following the above said methods will surely enable you to bid goodbye to dark underarms.

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Skin Care Products The Best For You

Author: John Madia 
If you think getting your hands on the best skin care products is easy without having inside knowledge then think again The products that worked during your puberty won't do your skin any good as an adult so you need to switch to something different. Why add more problems to your life - like continuously using skin care products that don't produce the expected results? What you need is a new skin care routine. Below you will be presented with surefire tips to reclaiming your youthful skin.
So where on your body can you find the most sensitive skin? The correct answer is on your face. Remember that! It's not necessarily true that a skin product advertised as good for your entire body will be good for your face.
Younger people and kids can use regular bar soap all over without any real problems or issues. But for adults, it's a presription for removing the skin's natural moisture that maintains its health. It will only help to realize that with age your facial skin will require care and products that are different from what's needed everywhere else. How much time can you devote to your skin care? You wouldn't think twice about sharing an hour a day with your skin to achieve the desired results. Cleansing masks, exfoliating, and any other treatment does take a lot of time. Can you imagine going through all of that after a long day's work. To avoid the frustration just find out which products you need from the beginning. Your schedule, budget, and skin type can all be accessed to find the perfect skin care product. You might need a product for acne. If money an d time are issues for you then you can save both with a few simple changes. Other things are important too; like, does a wiping pad work better than the cleansing mask? Just experiment a little until you find what fits the best. You might be surprised!
You can try asking anyone you know who has the same skin type as you what they use and give that a try. Even if someone is embarrassed to discuss their skin care failures, you should be able to immediately know if they're successes, or failures. Talking to as many people as possible is also a great way to get good reviews without having to spend a lot of money.
Learning to choose skin care products that cater to your needs is as simple as reading a blog post or checking the ratings in a consumer report. If you don't mind the trial and error approach then you can just purchase products until a good match crosses your path. Don't worry if you make a few mistakes or suffer from a breakout or two over the course of your search. Eventually you'll figure out what works for you and what doesn't.

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